Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Lyman Cup Playoffs

Schedule for Playoffs Week #1

Blue Lightning vs. Eagles

Diamond Backs vs. Sac Thunder



Great Sportsmanship

2 12 minute halves

3 minute half-time

 After both games, most goals advance to next round.



Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Lalas vs Borguetti promo historia México vs Estados Unidos 2013 previo p...

Lalas vs Borguetti promo historia México vs Estados Unidos 2013 previo p...

Week #9- Lyman Cup

Pop Questions ($25 for correct answer)

1.  What country hosted the World Cup in 2014?

2.  What country hosted the World Cup in 2010?

3.  What country hosted the World Cup in 2006?

4.  What country hosted the World Cup in 2002?

5.  What country hosted the World Cup in 1998?

6.  What country hosted the World Cup in 1994?

7.  What country will host the World Cup in 2018?

8.  What country will host the World Cup in 2022?

9.  What city is hosting the game tonight? USA vs. Mex?

10.  What brand does USA use?


Today's Schedule:




Playoffs Start Next Week/ All teams should have jerseys!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Week #8

Winner of Best Jersey Design

Angel Espinoza / $125 for Blue Lightning

Most Votes!

-Eagles please fill out order form and give to Mr. Lyman to text to Mr. G

-Wednesday Next Week:
Playoff Game #1

-Thursday Next Week:
Design and Print jerseys in class

Have a great weekend! Be good Davonte.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Week #8

Critical Thinking Question:

High Schools want to cut sports like soccer, baseball, wrestling & softball because they don't bring in any money like Football and Basketball does.  What do you think?  What should be done?  Is it fair? 

Plan for this week:

Soccer Games

Fun Soccer Games with no Pressure

Team Selena vs. Team Monica
Team Nikki vs. Team Corey


Design your jersey!

1.  Place your logo on the jersey
2.  Choose jersey color
3.  Choose numbers for your jerseys

*Best jersey design wins $125 for their team!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Update for Week #7

Update Scores & Standings

Round 3

Eagles__3__ vs. Sac Thunder__11__

Blue Lightning__2___vs. Diamond Backs__0___

Eagles__4___ vs. Diamond Backs__14___

Sac Thunder__2__vs. Blue Lightning__4__

Round 4

Eagles__0__ vs. Sac Thunder__1__

Blue Lightning__1__vs. Diamond Backs__0__

Eagles__5__ vs. Diamond Backs__1__

Sac Thunder__2__vs. Blue Lightning__4__

Standings after Round 4

3 Trivia Questions: ($5 Each)

What is a meg?

Sporstmanship award yesterday?

What city was represented on Mr. T's t-shirt yesterday?

After Spring Break

1st Place vs. 4th Place

2nd Place vs. 3rd Place